What is Enrichment in the Spring Program?

Enrichment in the Spring is a one-week program which is hosted annually by KAUST. It is an academic, entrepreneurial and cultural interlude session in KAUST's academic calendar whose primary purpose is to enrich and inspire the students beyond their normal academic curriculum.

For its third edition the program will explore the theme of “Pioneers” to go over our collective and personal boundaries and explore new territories. International and In-Kingdom speakers will share their own experience of pioneering and give us insightful perspectives into their area of knowledge.

Enrichment in the Spring is an educational program open to all members of the KAUST community and invited guests.
Keynote lectures, exhibitions, community events and a film festival will offer many opportunities to get inspired and entertained. There will be something for every age and interest.

What kind of events are being offered?

From evening keynotes lectures, lunchtime lectures, to workshops, performances and other special events, this week will offer something for everyone!  

There are 3 categories of events that you can attend:

  • Academic
  • Cultural
  • Recreational

Our Enrichment in the Spring Program is scheduled for your convenience, with events held at lunchtimes, mornings, evenings and weekends.

Who can attend?

Enrichment in the Spring Program is open to anyone at KAUST – faculty, researchers, community members and Economic Development partners.

Personal visitors may attend keynote lectures only as long as they are accompanied by their KAUST sponsor.

We may grant special passes to visitors from outside the KAUST community by invitation from our partners Saudi Initiatives and Innovation & Economic Development

How can I register my children and spouse to this website?

If you have dependents under the age of 12, you can register them for this website by visiting 'my profile' at the top-right of the navigation bar. Once you are at 'my profile', click on 'Register Dependents' on the left-hand column and your dependents will appear for you to register.

Note that spouses are included in this list but anyone over the age of 12 with a KAUST ID can register themselves.

Is there a babysitting service during the events?

To help parents enjoy keynote lectures and events during te program, a babysitting service will be organized. More details to come.

How can I add events to my calendar?

You want to be sure you won't forget to attend the events you registered for? In order to get automatic reminders popping up in your professional calendar, you can visit 'my schedule' on the navigation bar. Once you are at 'my schedule', click on 'Download iCalendar (ICS) file'.

What are Winter Enrichment  and Enrichment in the Fall Programs?

Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) is our flagship enrichment event, featuring two weeks of events held every January, with credits for the new students.

As Enrichment in the Spring, Enrichment in the Fall is a shorter program with no credited events for students, which is hosted annually by KAUST. It is an academic, entrepreneurial and cultural interlude session in KAUST's academic calendar whose primary purpose is to enrich and inspire the students beyond their normal academic curriculum.

These are intended to help deliver a wider array of enrichment activities to our community throughout the year. ​Both of them create a lively and engaging atmosphere, taking us away from our regular activities and bringing together KAUST speakers, as well as eminent guests from around the world. Internationally renowned attendees range from keynotes speakers, entrepreneurs, academics, as well as distinguished local and regional guests. 

Are there any more Enrichment Programs coming up?

We will host Enrichment in the Fall Program during October 20-28, 2017. The theme will be revealed soon after the Enirchment in the Spring program.

Then the Winter Enrichment Progam 2018 will follow in January, 2018.