What kind of events do we offer?
From evening keynotes lectures, lunchtime lectures, to workshops, performances, and other special events, we offer something for everyone!
The main categories of events that you can attend are Academic, Cultural, Entrepreneurial, Recreational and Personal and Professional Development. We schedule our programs for your convenience, with events held at lunchtime, mornings, evenings, and weekends. Watch the featured videos of WEP 2020 to learn more about the different types of events that we organize.
Who can attend?
Our programs are open to anyone at KAUST – faculty, researchers, community members, and economic development partners. Personal visitors may attend keynote lectures only as long as their KAUST sponsor accompanies them. We may grant special passes to visitors from outside the KAUST community by invitation from our partners' Saudi Initiatives and Innovation & Economic Development.
How can I register my children and spouse on this website?
If you have dependents under the age of 12, you can register them for this website by visiting 'my profile' at the top-right of the navigation bar. Once you are at 'my profile,' click on 'Register Dependents' on the left-hand column and your dependents will appear for you to register.
Note that spouses are included in this list, but anyone over the age of 12 with a KAUST ID can register themselves.
Is there a babysitting service during the events?
We do not organize babysitting services during the program.
How can I add events to my calendar?
To receive automatic reminders popping up in your professional calendar of the events you registered to, go to 'my schedule' on the navigation bar and click on 'Download iCalendar (ICS) file.'
Are there any more Enrichment Programs coming up?
The Winter Enrichment Program at KAUST (WEP)
The annual Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) is one of the hallmarks of KAUST. WEP is a two- week program whose primary purpose is to enrich and inspire the University's students and KAUST community members, as well as academic and industrial partners and guests who are all invited to join. KAUST students must register for WEP once during their degree studies.
The whole University becomes involved in one of the most exciting programs of the year, including lectures, courses, workshops, seminars, field trips, and special events in the main categories of Academic, Personal & Professional Development, Cultural, Keynote Lectures, and Recreational. The Program hosts eminent international guest speakers, Nobel Laureates, entrepreneurs, academics, as well as KAUST speakers and distinguished local and regional leaders and decision-makers.
The KAUST community drives WEP, and the success of each Program depends upon the enthusiasm and creativity of everyone who submits proposals.
WEP returned virtually in 2021 from January 10 to 21 under the theme 'Connectivity'. This Program was Chaired by Professor Khaled Nabil Salama and co-Chaired by Associate Professor Peiying Hong.
WEP 2022 will return from January 9-20 and will be Chaired by Associate Professor Peiying Hong. The theme of WEP 2022 will be announced soon.
We are thrilled to announce that the third TEDxKAUST event will take place on Saturday, April 10, 2021, under the theme True Grit. True Grit is a student-led event sponsored by the Enrichment Office. Grit is the sustained application of effort towards a long-term goal. It is the most significant predictor of lifelong achievement. Find out more about the idea behind its theme and the organizing committee.
As part of KAUST Academic Affairs, the Enrichment's Office mission is to enhance the students' experience and to expand their horizons, as well as to enrich the broad community.
Art is a source of inspiration for innovative science and vice versa. Immersing oneself inside the creative world of a painter, listening to music, or the mere act of experiencing something different than the ordinary can result in innovative new scientific ideas. For that reason, the Enrichment Office has organized more than 580 cultural events and invited more than 220 artists to KAUST since 2010.
To connect arts and science, the KAUST Enrichment Office produces since 2018 the artists-in-labs Program in collaboration with the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts (ICS) at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). The third season of the Artists-in-labs residency exchange will take place in April with Saudi artist Ahmed Mater at ETH Zurich University in Switzerland.
10 Years of Keynote Lectures
Have a look at the book and learn more about the Office of Enrichment Programs and our keynote speakers.
Stay tuned!
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