About WEP

Enrichment for All!


About WEP 

The annual Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) is one of the hallmarks of KAUST. WEP is a two- week program whose primary purpose is to enrich and inspire the University's students and KAUST community members, as well as academic and industrial partners and guests who are all invited to join. It is mandatory for KAUST students to register for WEP once during their degree studies.

The whole University becomes involved in one of the most exciting programs of the year, including lectures, courses, workshops, seminars, field trips, and special events in the main categories of Academic, Skills, Personal & Professional Development, Cultural and Recreational. The program hosts KAUST speakers, eminent international guest speakers, Nobel Laureates, entrepreneurs, academics, as well as distinguished local and regional leaders and decision-makers.

The KAUST community drives WEP and the success of each Program depends upon the enthusiasm and creativity of everyone who submits proposals. 

WEP for Students

WEP is a two-week mandatory program specially designed to inspire the students to be creative and to think outside the box. While the program themes differ from the year - to - year, it must include both technical and artistic components. WEP requires students to experience fields far different from their own, which helps them to understand how their work is connected to the problems around them. It shows them how they can impact others and how others can impact them, often in surprising ways.

How we Choose our Themes 

WEP's theme is different from one year to another and is built in collaboration with KAUST students, faculty, community members, alumni, and industrial partners who are invited to submit proposals each year. During a very competitive selection process the WEP Review Committee, chaired by the WEP Chair, considers the scientific and technological aspects of the proposals, as well as their enriching and inspiring nature. It is mandatory for KAUST students to register for WEP once during their degree studies.

In line with KAUST mission to be a source of inspiration and innovative thinking for aspiring scientists, academics, scholars, and entrepreneurs, both nationally and internationally, the Chair of the program, together with the Enrichment Office, strives to choose a stimulating theme that opens new perspectives to the future.

Previous themes:

  • International Year of Chemistry
  • International Year of Light
  • Pulse Food
  • Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Big Marine Animals on the Move
  • Food for All
  • Pushing the Limits:  Challenging Engineering & Science
  • Pioneers
  • Human-Machine Future
  • City of the Future
  • TIME

Students for Credits

All students (MS & Ph.D.) have to participate in the KAUST Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) for credits once during their studies at KAUST.

Credits will only be granted during a single WEP program, and students must register for 30 credit offerings and all mandatory keynote lectures.

Students who do not complete their attendance requirements for WEP do not graduate. 

WEP 2020

The 2020 Winter Enrichment Program at KAUST (WEP) took place from January 12 to 23 under the theme ‘Personalized Medicine’Professor Niveen M. Khashab was appointed the Chair of WEP 2020 and Professor Khaled Nabil Salama, the co-Chair.  

Personalized Medicine is the natural progression of medicine and science, that aims at tailoring practices, interactions, and medicine to the individual patient. If we are interested in treating or curing illnesses, then we must work to ensure that the best medicine is provided to the correct patient.