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Monday, January 20, 2020

INSIDE YOU 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM LOCATION: Campus Spine (building 4)   A secret world lives on, in, and all around you. Meet the human microbiome Your body is home to trillions of bacteria ... more

An offering with a pre-selection process Communicating science has become an integral part of a scientist’s research cycle. According to UNESCO, there are more than 7 million scientists and res ... more

Masterclass: Lab to Film 3/5

Location: Spine Auditorium between Buildings 4 & 5

An offering with a pre-registration process Make your research meaningful for a general audience Science and technology have infinite potential for solving local and global concerns. However, many s ... more

Personalized Medicine Mobile App Prototype 3/4

Location: Campus Library - Sea View Room

An offering with a pre-selection process About this workshop The goal of this collaborative design workshop is to develop a Personalized Medical App. It will leverage mobile phones' capabilities to ... more

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications  About this masterclass  This masterclass will train students in theory and applications of machine learning and artif ... more

Disease is a Personal Matter

Location: Bldg 20 Auditorium

A keynote lecture by Chih-Ming Ho, Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Bioengineering at UCLA. “Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of ... more

ABOUT ONCE UPON A TIME... LIFE The program was initially produced in France in 1987 and is an animated television series that tells the story of the human body for children. The good charac ... more

The Benefits of Raw Food

Location: Building 9 Lecture hall 2

Are you ready to welcome more plants into your diet and get tremendous energy to crunch raw life? Raw food, a vegetable-based cuisine with no cooking, is generating unprecedented interest in the ... more

An offering with a pre-selection process The concept of time in our everyday life mainly consists of being caught in the past or the future. Present sometimes is almost nonexistent, or we rush it too ... more

Metal-Organic Frameworks at the Biointerface

Location: Building 9 Lecture hall 1

Lecture by Christian Doonan, Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Centre for Advanced Nanomaterials at Adelaide University.  ABOUT THIS LECTURE Metal-organic Framework ... more

From Raw Food to Gastronomy

Location: Pure Restaurant, Island Recreation Center

Raw food, a vegetable-based cuisine with no cooking, is generating unprecedented interest in the United States.   Americans attribute health benefits to it in terms of recovery from stress, ... more

During this interactive panel discussion moderated by. Prof. Takashi Gojobori, and co-moderated by Dr. Fadwa Attiga, you will be able to exchange ideas on innovation, technology and the future of medi ... more

Afternoon coffee and discussion with WEP speaker Marie-Sophie L.

A science show for all audiences Dr. Bunhead follows the history of 35 trillion cells made from 7 octillion atoms harvested from millions of stars across our galaxy that will be working together to g ... more