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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Masterclass: Lab to Film 1/5

Location: Spine Auditorium between Buildings 4 & 5

An offering with a pre-registration process Make your research meaningful for a general audience Science and technology have infinite potential for solving local and global concerns. However, many s ... more

Big Hero 6

Location: Cinema Theater, Discovery Square

We are excited to host the 2020 WEP Film Festival, where renowned scientists will introduce and lead discussions for a range of educational documentaries and fictional film screenings related to this ... more

Mindset Matters!

Location: Discovery Square, Multipurpose Room

In this 90-minute workshop, Andy and Neila will share a number of different strategies and approaches that have been proven to strengthen mindset and improve levels of social and emotional well-being. ... more

Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Location: Cinema Theater, Discovery Square

We are excited to host the 2020 WEP Film Festival, where renowned scientists will introduce and lead discussions for a range of educational documentaries and fictional film screenings related to this ... more

Cyborg Among Us (2017)

Location: Cinema Theater, Discovery Square

We are excited to host the 2020 WEP Film Festival, where renowned scientists will introduce and lead discussions for a range of educational documentaries and fictional film screenings related to this ... more