Students for Credits FAQ


Rules for KAUST Students

All students (MS & Ph.D.) participate in WEP for credit at least once during their studies at KAUST.

For WEP 2020, new students must register for credited events and all mandatory events. Make sure you plan your holiday flights accordingly to be on time for WEP. 

Some workshops may require attendance at more than one session. These sessions must be attended in full of attaining credit.

If an event is canceled, an email announcement will be sent to enrolled participants regarding event replacement.

An electronic ID scanning will confirm credit attendance at events.

Students who do not complete their attendance requirements for WEP do not graduate.

If you decide you will not attend an event you have registered for, be sure to visit the event listing online and unregister.



If you are attending WEP for credit purposes, make sure you have registered for:

30 credits

Total of 30 credits that SHOULD consist of:

  • 8 compulsory credits which are obtained by attending the “COMPULSORY MASTERCLASS: Introduction To AI and ML For Personalized Medicine” on WEEK 1 - Group A OR Week 2 Group B. *
  • 22 credits of your choice from the available credited offerings.

*Students who previously completed with success/will complete (Before WEP2020) any of the following courses: CS 220, CS 229, CS 321, CS 340

Are EXEMPTED from the “Compulsory Masterclass: Introduction to AI and ML for personalized medicine”

Those students who are EXEMPTED are EXPECTED to fulfill WEP requirements: 30 credits and full attendance to all mandatory events.

All mandatory events

Mandatory events are events where a) your attendance is required and b) don’t have a credit value. The mandatory events are:

  • The Opening Day on Sunday, January 12.    
  • The Final Gala on Thursday, January 23.
  • All 15 keynote lectures 
  • The Science Show by Tom Pringle on Monday, January 20 

*Missing one mandatory event will result in failing the program. Remember that credits must be completed at a single WEP program and cannot be completed across more than one program/year. 

If you face any issues making registering to enough credited events, pass by the WEP office at Building 16, Level 3, Rooms 3810 and the WEP team will assist you.

Download the brochure - PDF 


Event Times

Please check your event schedule, as event times and details may have changed. If you can no longer attend an event, make sure to check your schedule and de-register so that other people can attend the event.


Event Requirements

IDs will be scanned for credited events.



Make sure you arrive 15 minutes before all keynotes lectures and all other lectures and workshops to make sure your registration is recorded for credit purposes. 

Please note that we will not record registrations for events after the event starts. If you are attending consecutive events, make sure you leave in time to make a registration for the next event.