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WEP 2019

The Winter Enrichment Program (WEP), a hallmark event of KAUST, returned on Sunday, January 13 to Thursday, January 24, 2019. Chaired by Professor Valerio Orlando, Head of Environmental Epigenetic Program. #WEP2019 featured 12 days of keynotes, lectures, discussions, master classes, exhibits, and cultural events all relating to the theme of TIME. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

About this 2-day workshop This workshop will cover everything from the foundations of blockchain, to what smart contracts are, how to write them, good examples worldwide, and a brainstorming session ... more

Thursday, January 24, 2019

About this 2-day workshop This workshop will cover everything from the foundations of blockchain, to what smart contracts are, how to write them, good examples worldwide, and a brainstorming session ... more

Location, Location, Location, and Time

Location: Bldg 20 Auditorium

The Global Positioning System GPS has been a driver for so many applications that it is often considered to be a key technology of our time. GPS is not only the dominant positioning service, but it ... more