Experience WEP Virtually

Experience #WEP2018 Virtually & Join the Conversation

Tune in every day to the KAUST Official KAUST Facebook page and YouTube channel to watch livestreams of our keynote lectures & lunch-time lectures.  

Watch every day at 9am and 3pm during WEP the Facebook On-Air interviews by MARCOM with world renown scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators!

About the Facebook On-Air Series

KAUST Facebook On-Air consists of a 20-minute live interview and a 10-minute Q&A with the audience on Facebook and the WEP HUB (University Library). The speaker will have a chance to talk about his topic in a more personal way. The video will also be recorded and added to the KAUST YouTube channel later on.

Get Involved

  • Follow the #WEP2018 hashtag on Twitter
  • Check out our photos on Instagram 
  • Have a look at our Flickr albums!