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Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) for 2015 is coming soon!

Running from January 11 to 22, The 2015 WEP program is larger and more ambitious than ever, with over one hundred events on offer.

This year’s offerings are the direct result of suggestions and event submissions from our faculty, students and community members, making WEP 2015 a program that is created by and for the entire KAUST community.

WEP 2015 features many highlights, including our keynote lectures on topics ranging from archaeology to biologically inspired design to freediving.  This year, we look at rich culture of Saudi Arabia through lectures on poetry, coinage and mining in Saudi Arabia, and present a range of art and recreational events, including a Tinga Tinga painting workshop, a 5K run, improvisation workshops and performances, a racketlon tournament and tours to Old Jeddah and the National Wildlife Center in Taif.

Finally, we’ll wrap up WEP 2015 with a closing evening gala extravaganza featuring a performance by the internationally renowned musical multimedia group Bella Gaia. 

With all these events and many more, WEP 2015 is the most exciting and lively time of the year at KAUST.

We look forward to enriching you at WEP 2015!



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Research Poster Competitions

Location: Bldg 20, Lobby

NOTE APPLICABLE TO THE STUDENTS TAKING WEP 2015 AS THEIR DEGREE REQUIREMENT: The 08 credits of this event will be obtained by the students who are presenting their poster during this event ONLY. Only ... more

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Poster Competitions Award Ceremony

Location: Bldg 20, Lobby

Join us as we gather to recognize the work of everyone who took part in our poster competitions, Pecha Kucha presentations, and Science Fair. Awards and prizes will be given to the winners!