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Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) for 2015 is coming soon!

Running from January 11 to 22, The 2015 WEP program is larger and more ambitious than ever, with over one hundred events on offer.

This year’s offerings are the direct result of suggestions and event submissions from our faculty, students and community members, making WEP 2015 a program that is created by and for the entire KAUST community.

WEP 2015 features many highlights, including our keynote lectures on topics ranging from archaeology to biologically inspired design to freediving.  This year, we look at rich culture of Saudi Arabia through lectures on poetry, coinage and mining in Saudi Arabia, and present a range of art and recreational events, including a Tinga Tinga painting workshop, a 5K run, improvisation workshops and performances, a racketlon tournament and tours to Old Jeddah and the National Wildlife Center in Taif.

Finally, we’ll wrap up WEP 2015 with a closing evening gala extravaganza featuring a performance by the internationally renowned musical multimedia group Bella Gaia. 

With all these events and many more, WEP 2015 is the most exciting and lively time of the year at KAUST.

We look forward to enriching you at WEP 2015!



Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Botanical Tour 1

Location: Campus: Meet at the bottom

We live among a wide variety of native and non-native trees and plants, each with their distinctive traits and features. Join Salah El-Tawm and Martina Viglasska for a fascinating and informative walk ... more

Workshop: Basic Post Processing Tuition by Billy Curie

Location: Bldg 9, Computer Lab 2223

This workshop is a practical computer based session using Light Room to process pictures. This event will have a limit of 15 students. If you like this topic, you may be interesting by: Lecture ... more

Motivational Techniques for Sustaining Innovation

Location: Spine Auditorium (Between Bldg. 4

Innovation is the lifeblood of the global marketplace and the differentiator between successful thriving institutions and those experiencing the slow descent into obsolescence. Traditionally, organiz ... more

Take a look into the world of open-source software for computational engineering. Computer simulations have become powerful predictive tools for many engineering problems where experimental and desig ... more

E-Textiles: Wearable Technology

Location: Bldg 9, Classroom 4223

Welcome to the world of wearable technology! E-textiles is a multi-disciplinary emergent field where design, function, and elegance merge. Incorporating conductive fibers and active elements directly ... more

The Emerging Carbon-Market and Climate Change

Location: Bldg 9, Lecture Hall 2322

Future climate change is one of the defining challenges of the 21st century. The fundamental political challenge is to find an economically acceptable means of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gas ... more

The Coinage Reform of 'Abd Al Malik

Location: Bldg 9, Lecture Hall 2325

In the year 77AH, the caliph 'Abd Al Malik bin Marwan undertook a coinage reform in the young Caliphate. He replaced all coins based on earlier empires (Persia, Byzantium) that were circulating in the ... more

Hacker Attack! Are you Ready?

Location: Bldg 9, Lecture Hall 2322

As KAUST grows, we are seeing more Unix computers on the KAUST network: Vital research data is stored on computers in addition to personal data such as financial info. Research Collaboration is going ... more

A comparative and evolutionary genomics approach has become essential for understanding the underlining mechanism of the life phenomena. But when genomics represents the study of not only genomic info ... more

This is an excellent opportunity to study the architectural heritage of the different regions of Saudi Arabia. The lecture will introduce the architecture - including materials & interiors, historica ... more

Exhibit from January 13 to 24: Photographers Marina Kochetyga and Andrea Bachofen traveled to Al-Balad together and walked the same route, taking photos of the historic architecture. The results vary ... more

A Neandertal Perspective on Human Origins

Location: Bldg 20, Auditorium

Neandertals lived in western Eurasia and the Middle east until becoming extinct around 40,000 years ago. We have recently sequenced the Neandertal genome to high quality, and have found that up to abo ... more

In keeping with our principal WEP theme of light we are presenting a session of "Movies @ WEP" featuring a wide array of classic and contemporary movies. Surrogates (2009): People are living their l ... more